Marketplace NewsNewsNational Preparedness Month: Tips to stay prepared, connected when nature strikesadvertisingSeptember 6, 2023 September 6, 20230144 Preparing and protecting your home or business in the event of a natural disaster is a daily reality. ...
Marketplace NewsNewsHome technology trends for the new yearadvertisingJanuary 18, 2023 January 18, 20230410 We now have access to a myriad of tech inventions, many of which were designed to save time and optimize home automation and safety....
Marketplace NewsNewsLifestyle upgrade: Smart home technology at your fingertipsadvertisingMay 11, 2022 May 11, 20220457 Having an integrated smart home is literally at your fingertips with Cox’s Contour TV voice remote control and Homelife automation....
Marketplace NewsNewsSmart Home Security a ‘Safe’ InvestmentadvertisingOctober 13, 2021 October 13, 20210456 Did you know that smart technology can also make your home more secure?...
Marketplace NewsNewsCox Homelife: Stay connected while disconnectingadvertisingJune 9, 2021 June 9, 20210612 While travel plans may look a bit different this summer, one thing has remained the same – how to protect your home while you’re away....
Marketplace NewsNews‘Smart’ ways socially distanced families can stay safe, connected during the holidaysadvertisingDecember 9, 2020 December 9, 20200802 This year, social distancing may change how we spend the holidays with family and friends....
Marketplace News6 Essentials for Your Smart HomeadvertisingMay 17, 2018 May 17, 20180596 With so many devices and home automation available these days, turning your house into a smart home is easier than you might think. But, there...
Marketplace NewsNews5 Ways Technology Can Get Your Home Ready for the HolidaysstaffNovember 16, 2017 November 16, 20170296 The holidays can be many things: magical, family-filled and joyful, or hectic, busy, and stressful. This year, use technology to simplify your life so you...
Marketplace NewsNewsMarketplace News: The home automation trend is popular among parentsstaffJune 22, 2017 June 22, 20170364 According to a 2016 survey, home automation - such as home entry notifications and video monitoring- is gaining in popularity among parents....