The Coast News Group
Smart Fit Method is one of the most effective workout programs in Southern California for the 40+ crowd. Photo by Samuel Whiting
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Smart Fit Method adopts LiveO2 therapy for superior workout results

A revolutionary Cardiff gym that uses artificial intelligence to enhance the workout experience is incorporating exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT) training to elevate that experience even further.

For over a year, the Smart Fit Method has been making waves among residents who are finding better results in shorter amounts of time with the new fitness concept, which uses data and sports science along with high-tech, artificial intelligence (AI) equipment monitored by personal trainers focused on getting clients the best results possible.

Unlike any other fitness center in the area, Smart Fit Method employs 20-minute workouts on each of its unique pieces of AI-enhanced equipment weekly paired with monthly body scans that measure the composition of each client’s body. These scans provide insight to what is changing throughout training, like the amount of fat cells lost versus the amount of muscle cells gained.

Smart Fit Method’s guided workouts produce optimized results with the help of their highly trained personal trainers that support your progress. “We are more efficient, more effective, and safer than traditional exercise,” said Smart Fit Method Founder and CEO Rob Darnbrough. He went on to say, ““The Smart Fit Method is great for all adults and is one of the most effective workout programs in Southern California for the 40+ crowd.”

The trinity of the state-of-the-art equipment includes the SMART Cold HIIT (high-intensity interval training), that packs a two-hour workout in a 20-minute session utilizing compression technology, cooling and interval training. Next the SMART Big 5 uses motorized resistance to achieve a perfect muscular time under tension while performing a total body workout. The workout is intense, but safe, making it a great choice for older clients who have been out of the gym for a while, but also challenging for regular gym-goers.

The third component of the program, the SMART REHIT or CAROL bike, which appears as a regular spin bike but is actually an AI-enhanced tool that allows users to achieve the maximum results possible in a shorter time frame, now has an added oxygen component.

For the first time ever, Smart Fit Method is combining the advanced AI capabilities of its CAROL bike with LiveO2, an EWOT technology, curating new modalities with a certified breathing coach Samuel Whiting to improve the health span of its members.

EWOT training generates a massive amount of oxygen into the body’s cells. By breathing varied levels, high levels and low levels of oxygen while exercising, the body produces an adaptation response to drive metabolic efficiency, increase red blood cell production, improve circulation, and as discovered by leading respiratory neurobiologist Dr. Gordon Mitchell at The University of Florida, a robust increase in somatic and respiratory coordination.

This science backed protocol allows for the most effective way to stimulate mind, brain and body as oxygen is driven into the pulmonary capillaries and distributed throughout the body at higher speeds as exercise quickens circulation.  Red blood cells and plasma then pick up the extra oxygen and provide it to our body tissues. Waste and toxins are removed more efficiently, and cells begin to function normally, meanwhile anaerobic viruses, bacteria and fungi that cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment are compromised.  Increased oxygen levels also mean fat is burned more efficiently.

“We’re saving people time and giving them a boost in cellular health,” Darnbrough said. “Most people don’t have access to oxygen training. Combining the technologies of LiveO2 and the CAROL bike create a workout that is typically only accessed by celebrities and athletes.”

Smart Fit Method is offering a FREE oxygen mask, normally a $75-dollar item, for those who sign up for a membership from now until Thanksgiving. Smart Fit Method limits the number of new clients they can accept and has about 20 spaces open, so get there fast and schedule a free workout demonstration today!

Visit or call 760-276-6608 or visit their location at 111 Chesterfield Dr., Cardiff