The Coast News Group
Educational Opportunities

Selling a home as-is: Pros, cons and how to get a fair price

Sometimes, and for a variety of reasons, it is just not expedient to pour energy, time, and money into a home, in order to put it on the market. This can be especially true for longtime homeowners faced with potential repairs and updates. There is an attraction to the idea of selling “as-is” and simply walking away, avoiding the expense and frustration of the make-ready process. 

So, the question is, can a home be sold in “as-is” condition? The simple answer is yes, it absolutely can.  However, an important follow-up question is, does it make sense to do it?   

Everyone has heard the adage, “let the buyer beware.” But, when it comes to as-is real estate transactions, experts also add the caution “let the seller beware.” This is a crucial point to remember if the purchase offer comes from an investor. Homeowners should be wary of investor buyers who make a deal sound too good to be true.

There are so many myths out there about what it takes to sell a home, many of them perpetuated by actors with gleaming smiles, making the whole process sound easy as anything.  

Reality TV shows would have you believe a home can be bought as-is and “flipped” in a week, with everyone walking away happy.  

Let’s sort through the misinformation vs the reality of selling a house “as is” in California/San Diego. On Tuesday, September 12, our ongoing Senior Education Series will address what “selling as-is” really means, the secret behind the “We Buy Houses!” business model, and the various “iBuyer” programs that can seem so tempting.  

We’ll sift through these myths and rumors and discuss facts and realities. We’ll also talk about your options for getting an offer, what to expect from the process, mistakes to avoid when updating or selling a home, and ways in which it is possible to save money and benefit financially. Don’t spend a penny until you’ve heard what our panel has to share about where your money is best spent, where it shouldn’t be spent, and how much is too much.

This program is for educational and informational purposes only (no sales) and is designed to help seniors make educated, informed decisions during times of transition. Seminars are free of charge, and anyone interested is welcome to attend. Registration is required. Register at: or call (760) 502-7372