The Coast News Group

Oceanside readies for sand fill opportunities

OCEANSIDE — The Planning Commission approved city environmental safeguards, and reporting and monitoring plans to put fill sand on Oceanside beaches for the next five years on Monday.

The coastal permit allows 150,000 cubic yards of beach-grade sand, per year, to be added to two shoreline sites.

One between Seagaze Drive and Pine Street, and the other between Oceanside Boulevard and the north end of Buccaneer Beach.

Richard Greenbauer, city principal planner, said part of the reason the sites were selected is ease of access to deliver sand to the locations.

Fill sand is anticipated to come from area building projects. Potential sand sources have not been identified. Greenbauer said it is up to the developer to test sand that needs to moved off site, contact the city, and fund transportation.

By having a permit in place the city will be able to seize the opportunity when sand is available.

City plans ensure the sand is clean and grain size and color is geologically and esthetically compatible with local beaches.

To minimizing biological impacts sand will be added to beaches between mid September and the end of May. This is the time of year when coastal streams following rainfall would naturally deposit sediments. Effects on local surf breaks would be monitored.

“Spring and winter is not ideal with winter storms, but it’s the best time not to effect coastal usage,” Alyssa Muto, city consultant and senior project manager for Recon Environmental, said.

City guidelines also specify that sand be placed in a series of mounds below the high tide line to best mimic natural sediment delivery.

Moving available sand is no simple task. It would take up to 179 daily truck trips for six days to move 15,000 cubic feet of sand. Greenbauer said city engineers would oversee transportation and ensure it runs smoothly.

Residents at the planning meeting had questions about sand selection, impact and timing. Overall they were optimistic about getting more sand on local beaches.

“It’s very important on the beach, and in the beach community for recreational health and economic health,” Russell Leslie, Oceanside resident, said.

Sand fill benefits Oceanside and regional beach sand replenishment efforts.

The Coastal Commission will review the permit and give final approval in October.