The Coast News Group

Letters: Oct. 3, 2008

Park Place HOA, wake up and save water
When is the Park Place Homeowners Association going to come to the party? Almost daily in the news, on TV and in our water bills we are being urged to find ways to save water. Yet this association elects to forbid the homeowners of Park Place to install artificial turf in their front yards, installation of which would be at the homeowner’s expense, and even the least expensive is not inexpensive. Artificial turf would not only save a great deal of water, and work on the part of the homeowner, but it looks good, even the least expensive. Come on Park Place HOA. What is your agenda?  Let go of the power plays. Step up to help conserve this precious resource. Join the rest of us in our efforts.
K.R. Bailey
Candidate forums need reform
Encinitas council candidates’ first forum was disappointing; neither my husband nor I got called upon to ask our questions about closed sessions and lack of transparency promoted by Jerome Stocks and James Bond.
With 10 candidates, few questions could be addressed. Someone with an accurate stopwatch should keep track of time, which should be limited to no more than two minutes per candidate per question. Someone “ran out the clock” with the question “Where do you see Encinitas in 50 years?” which dragged on for 25 minutes.
The incumbents count on a split vote working for them, as well as their waiting until almost the last moment to “change their mind” deciding to run, after all, as James Bond has. Also, forums could and should be televised.
I feel if we could have two candidates run every two years, and a third position as mayor be elected every two years, by a majority, then we could have truly representative government. That way, with term limits, an individual could be limited to two four-year terms as council member, and four two-year terms as mayor. The candidates should participate in primaries so that the vote is not so divided and is more representative.
I am voting for Bob Nanninga and Rachelle Collier, but also appreciated Joe Sheffo and Harriett Seldon.
Lynn Braun Marr
Divers oppose parking meters in Del Mar
As delegate of the 4,580-member San Diego Council of Divers, I am writing to you to express our opposition to the proposed pilot Parking Permit Program in the Del Mar Beach Colony. We polled all of our impacted constituents and 100 percent of them responded that coastal access needs to be available to the underprivileged as well as those with discretionary income to pay the additional parking fees. Your pilot program as proposed excludes a large number of our members, which we strongly oppose.
Volker Hoehne
President, San Diego Freedivers
Del Mar
Palomar Airport hysteria unfounded
I am a 20-year resident of North San Diego County, presently living near the McClellan Palomar Airport in Bressi Ranch, and I am appalled by the transparent attempt by a small minority to use two unrelated and tragic aircraft crashes to further their anti-airport cause. The recent accidents near Palomar Airport involved transient aircraft and while coincidental, they had absolutely nothing to do with the Voluntary Noise Abatement Procedures nor county airport operations.’s attempted scare tactics are pretty pathetic. Time after time, their spread of misinformation and outright lies have been countered with facts and level heads only to see them revert to their old propaganda tactics at the first despicable opportunity. Fortunately, County Administration and the FAA continue to see through this ruse and have not reacted to their fabricated hysteria. Palomar Airport is a valuable asset to the community and will continue to be so into the foreseeable future.

Tim Hutter