RANCHO SANTA FE — Scouts from Girl Scout Troop #1651 are planning a Senior Outreach day, in which they are recruiting seniors to share life advice and friendship with the scouts. The scouts would love to hear from volunteer senior citizens who might be interested in being part of this upcoming senior outreach event at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center. The girls are offering friendship, handmade gifts and eager ears to learn from those with a lifetime of valuable experience to share. The Girl Scouts want to live their lives by the Girl Scout motto, so they see this as serving multiple purposes, including helping seniors with loneliness or to feel valued and appreciated.
The Scouts want to reach out to seniors — some of which may feel less of a social connection (due to children growing up, absent spouses, retirement from workplace) to share companionship with youngsters like the Girl Scouts — and also know they are valued and honored as their opinions and experience are being sought out to help the less-experienced-at-life Girl Scouts.
The event will also be part of the work being done toward the Girl Scout Silver Award. The goal is to have this event be the first of an annual friendship day between the Girl Scouts and seniors in town. Younger Girl Scouts will be taught the lessons and learn from the experience of the day so that they can hopefully carry on the new tradition next year.