RANCHO SANTA FE — David and Kathy Stonebreaker, brother and sister-in-law of murdered Del Mar veterinarian Dr. Robert Stonebreaker, are attempting to solicit funds for a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of his killer.
“It’s been a year-and-a-half and there has been no progress in the case. We know someone out there knows what happened. There is a killer out there walking around and somebody knows something,” Kathy Stonebreaker said. “We don’t have the full amount and are hoping that his friends, acquaintances, associates and colleagues will donate whatever they can afford to the fund.”
Robert Stonebreaker, 53, was the owner of the Animal and Bird Hospital in Del Mar. He also founded Freeflight, a nonprofit organization for rescued birds and for helping endangered species.
His death was first investigated as a traffic accident on Jan. 16, 2010, when his Porsche was found in a ravine near the intersection of Caminito de Conejos and Paseo Delicias in Rancho Santa Fe.
Investigators did not find the driver at the scene of the crash, but the next morning a homeowner on Paseo Delicias found Stonebreaker’s body in their driveway.
Investigators at that point believed they were investigating a fatal traffic accident and that Stonebreaker had left the scene of the crash in search of help.
His body was found about 1,000 feet from the crash site. The medical examiner’s office alerted investigators that Stonebreaker’s injuries were not consistent with that type of an accident, which led to his death being classified as a homicide.
Detectives are still working on the case, but an arrest is not imminent. Stonebreaker’s business and Freeflight have continued under the direction of his widow, Pamela.
David and Kathy Stonebreaker, who live in the Ontario area, hope the reward will motivate someone to speak to the detectives on the case.
“I wanted to say the detectives are doing a great job interacting with me and my wife,” David Stonebreaker said. “I just wish Pam would cooperate with the detectives.”
Sgt. Roy Frank, who is the supervisor of detectives investigating the case, said they are working to eliminate suspects and persons of interest.
“Mrs. Stonebreaker is a person we would like to talk to more in depth with,” Frank said. “Unless we can eliminate a person they are considered a person of interest and we will continue to evaluate the person.”
He said detectives have put in countless hours on the case. Frank is encouraging anyone with information to come forward.
“Anyone out there with information to help us solve this case, whether they realize it or not, it’s important we talk to them,” he said. “It is our goal to solve this case and hold the person responsible accountable.”
Donations may be made to the Robert Stonebreaker Reward Fund, c/o Certified Federal Credit Union, 5601 E. Washington Blvd., Commerce, Calif., 90040. The phone number for information at the credit union is (323) 859-2250.
The Sheriff’s Department has also put out a Crime Stoppers reward to aid in solving the mystery. Anyone wishing to offer information may do so anonymously by calling
1 (888) 580-8477.
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If you read the articles you realize this is not a family ‘feud’ it is a murder that needs to be investigated and the wife is not cooperating. I don’t know why the relatives come here and are ‘boohoo’ the poor wife when she won’t talk to the investigators! It sounds like the wife is a real smooth talker to those relatives.
I have contribute $ to DR. Bobs fund and I urge anyone who any information on his murder to do the same. I am sure Mrs.Stonebreaker will help on this too.
We love Dr. Bob.
Please help find my friends killer. There are no accusations here just a plea for help on info.
it’s deplorable that this family would slander their sister in law, who has to raise 3 children in light of this tragedy, publicly. I really question what their motive is in requesting money. While it’s important for the perp to be found, I would have serious misgivings about donating money to 2 people who have shown questionable ethics in dealing with their own family. And shame on you, North County Times, for printing something so inflammatory.
I don’t trust Dave and Kathy. Pam could not have done it. Of course the insurance does not want to pay…it would go to the kids anyway. They have an expensive lifestyle and she probably needs the help, as death is expensive and three kids, college, etc She was doing what most widows would do as part of the process.
She could not have been part of this and would never have created such an emtional nightmare for her kids. There was a family fued between the brother and sister in-law and Robert for years. They wanted nothing to do with each other. Is there proof that the money will really go to this "helpful" cause. This "implication" just caused far more pain for those kids and started a series of nasty, untrue rumors that kick started the media. there is no proof and no solid information.
The Homicide investigators pretty much state that the widow is not cooperating. Gee. Only an idiot would find that not highly suspicious.
It hurts that my family would do this to each other. My Aunt Pam is a terrific mother who loves her children dearly and loves my Uncle dearly. To lose the love of your life and then have to go through this would be too much for most people to handle. My Aunt Pam is a strong woman who will triumph over this. To implicate her like this is a crime that I wish my Uncle and his wife could be punished for. I love my Uncle dearly but no longer have respect for him. Aunt Pam I love you. Thank you for being part of my family. Dawnmarie
I would like to add … I have spent time with Pam and the kids. Pam is an awesome mother who loves her family deeply. Pam is very strong in her faith which is giving her the strength to carry on. The kids will always be able to say they are proud of their mom. Pam, I am grateful that you are a part of my family.
The actions that my nephew, David Stonebreaker, has taken, to imply that Pam, in any way, had a hand in my nephew Robert’s murder is disgusting and unforgiveable. I have lost 3 nephew’s, a sister, a brother-in-law, and now David. Robert was 3 months to the day older than me and, when October 10th was always a happy day for me, it will forever be a remembrance of the family I have lost.
These people are my "parents" (I use that term loosely) and even I’m ashamed of them.
If you want factual tips, you don’t imply anyone. All it does is diminish the integrity of the tips.
Pam Stonebreaker has been a neighbor, a co-parent in school and sports, and a very good friend of my mine for a long time. She is a pillar of this community and giving to a fault. Bob’s death was beyond tragic. My family misses him very much. My daughter thought of him as a second father. The insinuation that Pam has in any way not cooperated with authorities is absolutely ludicrous. The woman has been put through the ringer! She has been taking care of their 3 grieving children ages 5 to 16, is working full time at the veterinary clinic where she and Bob worked together side by side for over twenty years and obviously dealing with her own grief. I wish it weren’t true but that is really the tip of the iceberg of what she she been put through. Pam lost her husband and best friend in a devastating way and she is in pain. To read that a "family" member would hurt her more with an article like this makes me ill. I agree with Mr. Goddard: Shame on them.
This article is very distressing to me! I’ve known Bob & Pam since 1986 and his death is a tragic loss to ALL his clients and friends. The fact that Pam is now a possible suspect now is rediculous and painful! Bob’s brother and family should be ashamed of themselves for this interview and article!
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