For millions of older women, urinary tract infections are not only excruciatingly uncomfortable but also potentially dangerous, which is why many doctors are recommending Clearmax – the ultimate, all-natural miracle solution that washes away an infection in just a few days. UTIs can be a painful, even life-threatening, recurring problem for many older women.
The infection can affect the brain, causing seniors to experience sudden changes in behavior and cognitive issues like frequent falls, confusion and dizziness.
“A lot of elderly people can suffer a misdiagnosis of dementia when in fact they have a urinary tract infection,” said Nigel Nelmes, owner of Clearmax. More than 9 million doctor visits each year are directly the result of UTIs. Clearmax targets E.coli, the bacteria that causes UTIs and bladder infections by sticking to mucous membranes in the urinary tract system.
Clearmax is not readily absorbed by the body, so it passes through the body and urinary tract in high concentrations. Within Clearmax is an all-natural, clinically proven ingredient called D-mannose, a simple sugar that works as the main ingredient. It also includes cranberry extract, bromelain, uva ursi, wild yam, dandelion and MSM. These main ingredients are approved for sale in the European Union as a first line of defense against UTIs.
“These are all natural products that have been used for many years to combat UTIs,” Nelmes said. D – Mannose attracts the bacteria, which bonds with the formula as it passes through the urinary tract. The bacteria is then flushed out with urine. It doesn’t affect blood sugar and is safe for pregnant women and children. Results show up as fast as 24 hours after taking
Clearmax without any side effects. Tens of thousands of people already trust Clearmax as the first line of defense against recurrent infections. “I have people call me and tell me how thankful they are that they found this product because it’s literally changed their lives,” Nelmes said. “It’s a miracle formula.”
Clearmax was formulated by some of the most respected urologists in Orange County.
The company has been established for over 10 years and the product comes in the form of a capsule that is easily taken orally.
Those who have frequent UTIs should take two to four capsules as a daily supplement.
For Deborah S. of Albany, New York, Clearmax worked for her within three days. “I used Clearmax for about three days and all my symptoms disappeared,” she said. “It was the first time I did not have to take antibiotics.”
Patients may be able to purchase Clearmax directly from their doctor’s office if they carry it, otherwise the miracle formula can be purchased through the product’s website.
For more information, call 1-800-919-5999 or email [email protected].