The Coast News Group
Rebalancing the brain is the goal of Cereset’s patented BrainEcho™ technology, now available in Encinitas. When your brain is balanced, you can function at your best, sleep better and kick stress to the curb. Courtesy photo
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Why am I not getting better? Your brain may be stuck

ENCINITAS — Before Andrew DeGregorio became a Cereset franchise owner in Encinitas, he suffered from years of debilitating ailments.

Fibromyalgia often left him fatigued as pain radiated through his body. He experienced severe food allergies, often breaking out in hives from head to toe. His diet consisted of the same three foods every day. He became highly sensitive to everything from soaps and shampoos to laundry detergents. Sleep became ever elusive and rapid weight loss followed. Even hot water and sunshine were irritants.

“Back in 2014, I had a traumatic brain injury that led to post-concussion syndrome, which later developed into a chronic illness with a nightmare of undiagnosable symptoms.” DeGregorio remembered. “Basically, I thought I was dying. I was stuck in an autoimmune, chronic illness state. I spent so much money on western medicine trying to figure out what was happening, without getting any answers or relief.”

At the suggestion of a friend, DeGregorio stumbled into Cereset.

“I felt incredibly hopeless. No doctor could give me a clear road to recovery.” DeGregorio said. “I heard someone talk about Cereset. They suggested that there could be something going on in my nervous system or my brain could be stuck.”

DeGregorio was skeptical at first — laying in a chair, listening to tones mirroring his brain waves to self-correct— a healthy dose of skepticism is the obvious human reaction. But what happened after only a few sessions, according to him, was, “life changing.”

“Within a few weeks, all my symptoms miraculously started to go away,” he said. This was after spending a fortune on alternative medicines, naturopaths, doctors and MRI scans. “Many people are suffering like I was, without answers, because their brains and nervous systems are stuck. I really want others to benefit as much as I have from Cereset. That’s why I decided to invest in the business and bring one to San Diego.”

Typically, clients receive five sessions using Cereset brain mirroring technology, which encourages the brain to come back into a state of harmony. A balanced brain can then naturally alleviate symptoms like those experienced by DeGregorio.

This is a largely passive, non-invasive process. Sensors are placed on the head and an initial baseline scan is performed. The full session is about 90 minutes long. The client sits in an anti-gravity chair in a quiet space, while the brain listens to itself through tones mimicking its own frequency [brain mirroring technology].

DeGregorio described this as “showing the brain to itself and making it realize where it is out of tune so it can self-correct.”

Cereset works to create new healthy neural pathways. 

Some light lifestyle coaching is also offered depending on each individual client. For example, clients suffering from insomnia may receive guidance on nighttime routines or the elimination of bad habits that are compounding the problem.

According to DeGregorio, the brain can become stuck in a freeze response – an in-between state of fight-or flight. This can cause numerous issues that negatively impact a person’s health, be it insomnia, anxiety, depression, or in DeGregorio’s case, physical pain.

The technology optimizes the brain into a healing state. The efficacy of the brain mirroring technology used by Cereset is supported by several peer reviewed papers, including in the journals of BMC Psychiatry, Frontiers in Public Health and Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health. There is also ongoing research being conducted by the Department of Neurology at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, The United States Army Research Office, and the Susanne Marcus Collins Foundation Inc. among others.

At Cereset Encinitas, clients may begin to see tangible results within the core 5-session plan. Unlike competitors, the Cereset process does not function as a never-ending cycle of appointments.

This is the only brain mirroring technology provider in the area. If you have experienced stress, illness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, concussion, or traumatic events that negatively affect your well-being, Cereset is here to help you harmonize your brain to restore your life.

For a limited time, new clients can take advantage of a special introduction to Cereset for $49 – normally valued at $175. This includes a 50-minute evaluation, an orientation with a personal tech coach, a baseline brain observation scan, a Personal Brain Index and a recommended plan of action.

Cereset Encinitas is located at 169 Saxony Road, suite 202. The office is family-welcoming, emotional support animal, neurodiverse and senior friendly.

For more information call (760) 642-5884 or visit the website at