The Coast News Group

Measure U


Judge overturns Prop A for current housing cycle, orders city compliance

Carey Blakely
Judge Ronald Frazier issued a written ruling on Dec. 12 that overturns Proposition A for this housing cycle only and orders the city of Encinitas...
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Encinitas asks judge to implement Measure U as legal solution

Carey Blakely
The consequences of failing for years to enact a legally compliant housing plan will be made clear to the city of Encinitas on Dec. 12...
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Judge suggests mediation, orders Encinitas back to court on Nov. 28

Carey Blakely
Encinitas’ days of non-compliance with state housing law appear to be numbered....
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Election results: Measure U, San Dieguito Union High School District

Carey Blakely
Encinitas’ controversial Housing Plan Update, Measure U, has been defeated....

Encinitas delays increase of low-income housing quotas

Carey Blakely
The Encinitas City Council voted unanimously on Oct. 24 to require further study of the impact of increasing inclusionary ordinance....

Brandenburg, Mosca take center stage at Olivenhain debate

Aaron Burgin
Candidates for Encinitas District 4 council, incumbent Joe Mosca and his lone challenger, longtime Olivenhain resident Tony Brandenburg, fielded questions on a variety of topics....

Candidates clash in District 3 Forum in Encinitas

Aaron Burgin
Ada Harris Elementary’s multi-purpose room was nearly filled with potential voters on Sept. 25 listening to candidates Jody Hubbard and Councilman Mark Muir field questions...
CitiesCommunityEncinitasEncinitas Featured

Encinitas mayoral forum shows contrasts between candidates

Aaron Burgin
Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear and her lone challenger, John Paul Elliot, shared the stage Sept. 11 at Ada Harris Elementary School at the first candidate forum...