CarlsbadCarlsbad FeaturedCitiesCommunityFood & WineNewsChick-Fil-A coming to Carlsbad, fuels local ‘chicken wars’Steve PuterskiFebruary 23, 2022February 23, 2022 February 23, 2022February 23, 202205658 CARLSBAD — Chick-Fil-A is coming to Carlsbad, fortifying its position in North County and ramping up local pressure in the so-called “chicken wars.” The Georgia-based...
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsRancho Santa FeIn-N-Out stakes out Encinitas locationJared WhitlockMarch 7, 2013July 22, 2015 March 7, 2013July 22, 20153 368 ENCINITAS — If you live in Encinitas and you’re tired of driving to the Carlsbad In-N-Out Burger, relief may be in sight. ...