When soda was first introduced in the 18th century, it was actually used for medicinal purposes.
This flavored carbonated water was popularly served from fountains in order to help headaches and indigestion.
Then the bubbly refreshment became a staple of American culture. Cherry and lime were two of the first types to enjoy.
Dr. Pepper is actually considered the first American soft drink. In 1885, its original use was as an energy drink. Charles Alderton, the soda’s creator, first sold the drink at his drug store in Waco, Texas. Dr. Pepper didn’t fully hit the market until 1904.
Coca-Cola soon followed about a year later. Today, it is still the most popular soft drink. At that time, around 1886 and for the next 17 years, this drink’s main ingredient was cocaine.
Not until 1903, John Pemberton, Coca-Cola’s creator eventually had to change this ingredient to sugar syrup.
Caleb Bradham created Pepsi and served it at his drug store starting in 1893. Its original intention was to be a foundation drink that boosted energy and helped with digestion. The company has fought bankruptcy and ranks as Coca-Colas closest competitor.
Charles Leiper Gregg created 7-Up in 1929 using the main ingredient of lithium citrate. This drug is actually known for its mood stabilizing effects and has been used to treat people with psychological disorders.
This ingredient wasn’t eliminated until 1950. 7-Up was the first popular citrus flavored drink.
But soda can sabotage a person’s health. It is known to cause weight gain, dental problems like tooth erosion, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
The carbonation make you feel full, but the ingredients are high in calories, chemicals, and sugar. A single soda can contain up to 10 teaspoons of sugar. No wonder soda drinking is a difficult habit to kick. There is a very high amount of high fructose corn syrup.
Many studies show soda can lead to obesity and cancer. Diet soda consumption became a popular alternative to reduce some of these high contents, but the artificial sweeteners can confuse the body.
Your body feels the sugar spike within 20 minutes of drinking a soda.This spikes insulin levels and blood pressure. Although you might feel like you are quenching your thirst, this drink actually dehydrates the body. T
he combination of caffeine, sodium, and sugar isn’t exactly the liquid your body needs. Soda also has phosphoric acid which impedes the body’s absorption of calcium.
Soda is unnatural. It provides no nutritional value. Deciding to have this drink is simply due to your taste bud’s desires. What was once sold in drug stores as medicine, is now causing people to have to take medicine due to its poor health side effects. Can, bottle, or liter, soda is the fizzy beverage that is so readily apart of our American culture, but is readily leading to bad health.
The Lifestyle of the FIT & Health limits or eliminates their soda use in order to make their pants fit better, their teeth sparkle a little more, and to make their stomach feel better digesting better choices for calories.