This week we’re featuring San Marcos Chamber member San Elijo & San Marcos VIP. The parent company Aliferous Technology has been in business for six years, while the VIP Platform started during COVID three years ago. Founder Maggie Slater discussed the VIP Platform and how it focuses on “Shop Local.”
What services and/or specialty products do you provide?
Our free app can be downloaded by any resident in either San Elijo Hills or San Marcos and gives you access to special deals just for residents!
What sets you apart from others in your industry?
We are built for the community, by the community. We are heart-centered and strive to help businesses succeed first with the success of their community members.
What is your favorite business success story?
So many businesses that our team speaks with tell us the story of why they started their own small businesses, and it’s INCREDIBLY inspiring. We love to be able to bring those stories forth when showcasing each business’ products and services, so a more personal connection can be made between customer and business.
What motivated you to join The San Marcos Chamber?
I didn’t know ANYTHING about what the chamber could do and wanted to learn more. Our team suspected that they could connect us with businesses we did not know about that could use amplification via our platform, and they absolutely delivered! We are so pleased to connect with new businesses, friends of the chamber and local government via their introductions.
As someone doing business in San Marcos, what are you looking forward to accomplishing with the Chamber? I
I look forward to continuing to connect and grow as a business to serve our community and participate in more chamber events in the future.
What’s your best piece of business advice?
My best piece of business advice is to always persevere, no matter what, and to trust your gut. Your instincts are an amalgamation of your life experiences and learnings throughout your lifetime, and it will serve you well in decisions big and small. Also, while owning your own business is usually labeled as “not for the weak of heart,” I truly feel that a more accurate statement of the small businesses in our community are “heart-centered leadership.” Aliferous Technology & VIP Platform Technology are so pleased to be a part of this community!
Business website:
Business Instagram handle: @SEHVIP