OCEANSIDE — City Council unanimously approved a tentative map, development plan and coastal permit for the North Beach Promenade public parking and mixed-use project on Jan. 20, with Mayor Jim Wood absent.
City Council has been behind the project on 300 Cleveland Street since its initial vote of approval on the development agreement in August 2015.
Councilwoman Esther Sanchez shared her support last Wednesday. She gave kudos to the bicycle cafe and additional free parking the project brings.
“It really calls out Oceanside,” Sanchez said. “I’m really excited about this.”
The project site is currently a free public parking lot with 178 spaces. It is located within the downtown Nine Block Master Plan.
Building plans include a six-level parking structure with 388 free public parking spaces that are owned by the city.
Housing units and commercial space will be built in a horseshoe layout. Parking will be located in the middle of the development and adjacent to the train tracks.
The city/developer partnerships grants the city easement over Pelican Brooks Street Oceanside, LCC property for vehicles to enter the public parking structure at the west end of the site.
The city in turn grants Pelican easement to the residential parking spaces within the structure.
Pelican will build the 438-space parking parking structure that includes 80 residential spaces, as well as 52 housing units, and 9,400 square feet of commercial use space.
City Council members said the project is a welcome addition to downtown.
Site construction may begin as soon as April. Once building starts there will be a temporary reduction in area parking.
Pelican will develop a traffic management plan to ease travel while construction is underway.
The city is also working with MainStreet Oceanside to initiate a downtown shuttle service to help with area travel.