Like most Americans, I gathered with others to witness the inauguration of President Barack Obama. As a strong supporter of his candidacy, and a big...
I figured for my last “Observations” column of 2008, I would begin with thanking the Kwanzaa elves for giving Muntandar al-Zaidi the courage to throw...
Dear Santa, It’s time again for my yearly ritual of writing a letter to cultural constructs and market-driven myths, asking for the impossible. I would...
How would Jesus celebrate Christmas? When I asked this question last week, I did so with the knowledge that Jesus predates Christmas historically by a...
As an opinion editorialist, my job description includes commenting on current events as they relate to the residents of San Diego County. As an environmental...
I was raised to believe historic preservation is a form of cultural preservation. Reminders from the past become teachers of sorts, offering lessons of where...