The Coast News Group

Artists’ call for Art Walk

OCEANSIDE — The Oceanside Art Walk committee is accepting applications from visual artists (sculpture, paintings, quilts, etc.), live performers (jugglers, theater, pantomime, spoken word, etc.), and musicians of any genre wishing to participate in the Feb. 6 Art Walk.

Applications will be accepted through Jan. 19, 2015. The artistic talent will be matched with a venue for a partnership that can range from one night to an entire month-long exhibition, depending on the venue’s flexibility. This is a great opportunity for artists to showcase their talent as part of the newly formed North Coast Theatre And Arts District. All participants’ locations will be conveniently identifiable on the handouts of the Art Walk’s map, courtesy of the organizers.

Apply online at HYPERLINK “” or e-mail to HYPERLINK “mailto:[email protected][email protected]. To learn more about Oceanside Art Walk go to HYPERLINK “”

Art Walks are held from 6 to 9 p.m. on the first Friday of every month

in businesses and vacant spaces throughout downtown Oceanside, and extending down the coast.