RANCHO SANTA FE — During the lazy days of summer there’s nothing like grabbing a book and having a great read. While reading provides a unique source of entertainment, the RSF Library Summer Program also helps instill in children the wonders of reading.
The program officially closes Aug. 1.
“The summer reading program is a program offered every year at the Rancho Santa Fe Library to encourage reading throughout the summer for kids and adults of all ages. This is especially important for kids, who can often slide backwards in terms of their academic skills during the summer break,” said Emily Bruce, youth services manager at the RSF Library Guild. “Continuing to read or read to your child helps to avoid this ‘summer slide.’”
It’s the Guild’s mission to help children start off the school year right by keeping them engaged and reading all summer long so they don’t skip a beat.
The summer reading program attracted people of all ages including grandparents, parents, teens, kids and babies.
“This year’s summer reading program has been very successful with more than 325 kids and teens participating,” she said. “Overall the kids and teens that have completed their reading goals have read 890 books and 370 hours.”
Bruce explained for those who signed up, they kept a reading log to keep track of their goals. This summer season, Bruce went on to say, included either 10 hours of reading or 10 books.
By July 31, people can turn in their finalized reading logs and walk away with a fun prize, coupons, and a ticket for a party opportunity drawing on August 1 during the Ice Cream Social.
The RSF Guild provides most of the funding, allowing the summer reading program to be successful.
Bruce also wants people to know that its summer reading program would not be possible without its amazing teen volunteers. This year, the count was 67.
The teens helped people sign up for the program, reward prizes, champion craft sessions and storytelling time, and other duties, said Bruce.
“In addition to our amazing volunteers, our partnership with various local businesses is another important part of what makes our summer reading program successful,” she said. “Every year we also have our summer Passport Program where the kids can go to different business around the community to get a stamp in their passport and receive a prize. Finishing the passport qualifies the child for a free book from the book cart in the children’s library.”
The Book Cellar donates the books.
On the roster of businesses who took part in the passport fun were: Helen Woodward Animal Center, RSF Flowers and Gifts, RSF Barber Shop, Country Squire Gifts, Wells Fargo, RSF Historical Society, RSF Community Center, The Inn, RSF Association, The Book Cellar, Stump’s Market, RSF Pharmacy and Spirits, and Rancho Sandwich.
“Other businesses have provided us with donations this summer including coupons and prizes from Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA, Chick-fil-A Encinitas, Chili’s Encinitas, Milton’s Del Mar, Iceplex, Natural History Museum, Rubios, and AMF Bowling,” Bruce said.
The afternoon Ice Cream Social event will be held on Aug. 1 at the RSF Community Center from 2:30 to 4 p.m. While ice cream floats will overflow, so will the prizes and games.
Likewise, the USA Jump Stars will showcase some amazing jump rope moves. And of course, the opportunity ticket drawings will be picked, too.
For more information about the RSF Library Guild or the upcoming Ice Cream Social party, visit www.rsflibraryguild.org or call (858) 756-2512.