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You don’t need to wait to tackle thinning hair

OCEANSIDE — Men and women: is your hair starting to thin? Do you find yourself putting off hair restoration in hopes that the hair loss will wane, or that you will do something about it when it starts to get worse? “The bad news is that once hair loss starts, it’s going to continue,” Dan Wagner, CEO of MyHairTransplantMD, said. “But the good news is that we can help gradually restore your hair with natural looking and permanent results.”

You might be surprised to learn that by the time your hair loss becomes noticeable, you’ve already lost 50 percent of your hair. “Hair loss doesn’t get better, it gets worse,” Wagner said. “While you can wait until you’ve lost it all to do something about it, you can also replace it gradually. It’s a personal choice.”

Wagner said MyHairTransplantMD sees men and women come in for consultations at various stages of their hair loss. “We take the time to sit down with each client to come up with a hair restoration plan that will work best for them to help them achieve their desired results,” he said. “It’s important to be proactive because the longer you wait, the less options you will have.”

With the motto “Hair transplants done right the first time … your hair loss problem solved,” MyHairTransplantMD specializes exclusively in hair restoration, using 100 percent natural grafts. “We not only offer the traditional FUG strip method of hair restoration, but also Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE,” Wagner said. “The FUE hair transplant is relatively new, and among its notable benefits are that it is minimally invasive and there is no linear scar.”

With FUG long thin strips of scalp are extracted, and with FUE the hair follicles are extracted individually. “FUE is essentially the ‘one hair at a time’ method,” Wagner said. “The hairs are extracted the same way they grow, in naturally occurring clusters.”

“Both FUE and FUG produce amazing natural-looking results,” Wagner continued. “Both techniques place hairs the way they would naturally grow. The big difference is the way in which the hairs are extracted.”

Hair loss is no longer considered a permanent condition, Wagner said. “Come see us for a no-obligation consultation and see what is possible for you,” he added. “We will start by discussing your concerns and expectations. Next, we outline the trouble area so we agree on the exact area you want restored. We will take precise measurements and use our 3D Hair Mapping Template to draw directly on the patient’s head to see the surface area to be restored. We will then discuss your current hair density factor using modern hair science. Finally, we calculate the amount of grafts and the costs. When you leave here, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your next step.”

If you have been considering hair restoration and want to learn more, visit or call (800) 262-2017 for clear procedure pricing, more testimonials, and a complete comparison between FUE and FUG methods of hair transplantation.

The office is located at 2103 S. El Camino Real, Suite 201, Oceanside 92054.