ColumnsWaterspotWaterspot: Milestones a reminder of Grauer’s influenceChris AhrensSeptember 22, 2020 September 22, 202011007 If you add Stuart Grauer’s age (70 in a few days) to the upcoming 30th birthday of the school, it equals a century. How time...
ColumnsSoul on FireSoul on Fire: An opportunity to rethink what we teachSusan SullivanAugust 13, 2020 August 13, 20200874 I reached out to The Grauer School's Stuart Grauer to discuss how he is going about reopening school....
CitiesCommunityEncinitasRegionGrauer School launches plan to combat climate changestaffOctober 3, 2019 October 3, 201901092 ENCINITAS — The Grauer School has dedicated the current school year to an all-campus effort to embrace sustainable environmental practices and work to reduce the...
CommunityHimalayan Kitchen, the new restaurant in EncinitasBeckyMay 31, 2017May 31, 2017 May 31, 2017May 31, 201711372 Just up the street from where I work at The Grauer School, next to Sprouts Market, which I still call Boney’s half the time, was...
Community CommentaryOpinionReclaiming sacred space: Compassionate computing and cellphone use in schoolsStuart GrauerApril 14, 2016 April 14, 20160389 Many years ago I was driving home to Bern from the Italian Alps, high from spring skiing at altitude....
Lead StoryThe Grauer School gets OK for campus rebuildJared WhitlockJanuary 2, 2014July 22, 2015 January 2, 2014July 22, 20150295 ENCINITAS — A recently approved rebuild plan will ensure the future of The Grauer School, representatives from the school believe....