ArtsCitiesOceanside‘Star Wars’ set designer gives talk at Oceanside film festivalJoe NaimanAugust 17, 2017 August 17, 20170406 Alan Roderick-Jones was presented with a lifetime achievement award at the Oceanside International Film Festival....
CommunityEscondidoEscondido FeaturedFeaturedThe force is strong with lightsaber groups around countyTony CagalaAugust 25, 2016August 27, 2016 August 25, 2016August 27, 20162 618 The force has awakened throughout the county, and strong it is....
CarlsbadCommunityCommunityNewsStormtrooper walks to San Diego in memory of late wifeTony CagalaJuly 6, 2015July 22, 2015 July 6, 2015July 22, 20157 739 CARLSBAD — He can still hear the inflection of his late wife’s voice when she would say to him, “You’re such a dork.”...
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsStory + Video: Star Wars soccer game raises money for local boyJared WhitlockDecember 10, 2013July 22, 2015 December 10, 2013July 22, 20150924 ENCINITAS — This past Sunday night, multiple Jedi, Chewbacca and Princess Leia faced off against storm troopers and Darth Vader. The saga played out —...