The Coast News Group
affordable housing
The five housing properties approved for sale are mobile home parking spaces. File photo
CitiesCommunityNewsSan Marcos

San Marcos City Council approves property sale for affordable housing

SAN MARCOS – The San Marcos City Council met on Tuesday, Sept. 22, and approved a resolution that allows the city to sell five small housing properties for the creation of affordable housing.

The five housing properties, in this case, are all mobile home parking spaces. Three of them are located in Twin Oaks Valley Park, one is in Casitas Del Sol and the fifth one is in San Marcos View Estates.

In 2006, the City Council adopted a resolution that authorized the San Marcos Redevelopment Agency to purchase, sell or lease property for the creation of affordable housing.

City Manager Jack Griffin said the city already has roughly a thousand mobile home parking spaces that have some level of income restriction and exist as affordable housing spaces.

The city council also approved forming a Climate Action Plan Implementation Working Group composed of residents of the city to assist in the implementation of the updated, soon to be adopted Climate Action Plan.

The city is currently working on a comprehensive update of its state-mandated Climate Action Plan, which will contain a variety of greenhouse gas reducing measures that may have significant costs or create significant demands in terms of staff time to properly implement, according to the staff report.

Griffin also said he hopes that a Working Group will bring a fresh perspective on possible grants and funding sources that are beyond the government scope.

The roughly $4 million plan is expected to be presented to the planning commission on Nov. 2 and submitted to the City Council for its consideration in early 2021.

The council agreed to make appointments to this new Working Group in future meetings, with a start date soon after the council adopts the climate action plan.

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