The Coast News Group

Retirement home planned for area

RANCHO SANTA FE — At the Association board of directors meeting June 18, Ali Shapouri, of Shapouri & Associates in Rancho Santa Fe, gave an informative presentation regarding a new Rancho Del Mar Continuing Care Retirement Community currently in the development stages.
Shapouri told the board of directors that there is a need for more care centers for seniors in the area, particularly as the population ages. In 2004 the percentage of senior citizens in the county was close to 11 percent. By 2030, as Baby Boomers age, that number will increase to nearly 19 percent of the population. According to Shapouri, there are not enough senior care centers in the immediate area to service the growing population.
Shapouri & Associates conducted an informal survey, which was given to 2,500 seniors, and 350 responded. “The results were surprising,” Shapouri said. “Seniors don’t want conventional institutional living. They want a resort lifestyle. More computers. More cultural events. Social interacting.”
With this in mind, Shapouri’s firm is planning a complex for a client that is located on the southeast corner of El Camino Real and Via de la Valle. The complex consists of 224 assisted care units, underground parking and a 30,000-square-foot wellness center located to the west of the soon to be re-aligned portion of El Camino Real. “This is a $200 million facility,” Shapouri said.
Even though the project will be located on San Diego property, the architectural design is based on historic Rancho Santa Fe style. “This is being designed for the community and we are looking for their support,” Shapouri said. “I believe there is significant demand.”
San Diego County has plans to widen Via de la Valle and realign and widen El Camino Real. This realignment has been considered in the design of the project. Director Bill Beckman asked Shapouri if there was a target date for the project, to which Shapouri replied that they are still two to three years from construction.
President Lois Jones told the board directors that the San Dieguito Planning Group has seen plans for the project and are supportive. “The neighbors have also been told, and they, too, are supportive,” Jones said. Shapouri asked the Association for a letter of support. “It would go a long way in impressing the city of San Diego,” Shapouri said. Jones asked Covenant Administrator Ivan Holler to look into the project further and draft a letter of recommendation for the board to consider.
Shapouri & Associates, working on behalf of a group of developers, plan to make an announcement about the project in the near future, complete with renderings and drawings.