RANCHO SANTA FE — Recently, Pat Welsh offered her sage gardening wisdom to members of the RSF Garden Club. Following the club’s quarterly meeting, Welsh began her presentation, “Success With Winter Vegetables: The Organic Way.”
Welsh, who is a Del Mar resident has visited the RSF Garden Club before and has provided excellent educational receptions.
The crowd enjoyed her animation and sharp wit.
Knowing that the members she was speaking to had prior gardening knowledge, she began with the basics to prepare a winter garden.
As far as Welsh is concerned, something new could be learned, even with the basics.
Welsh’s gardening roster included rototilling the soil, layering the soil for the perfect garden, organic pest and bug control, how to organize and prepare seeds, planting, and feeding the garden.
Welsh said that she normally starts her winter garden precisely on Sept. 1. But due to the heatwave earlier in the month, she needed to postpone her gardening until the right temperature to do so.
Considered an authority on horticultural, Welsh is an Emmy award-winning “gardening guru.”
For more than three decades, she has been an author, television host, magazine editor and public educator.
Following a “show and tell” of gardening items, tools, tips and tricks on a tabletop in front of the clubhouse stage, the lights dimmed, and Welsh began her in-depth PowerPoint winter vegetable gardening presentation.
Afterward, Welsh answered questions from the audience and RSF Garden Club members had the opportunity to buy her regarded book, “Pat Welsh’s Southern California Gardening: Month by Month.”
For those who were not able to attend the meeting, please visit patwelsh.com to learn more.