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Hotel at Legoland approved

CARLSBAD — City Council unanimously approved the future construction of a Legoland hotel at its Oct. 27 meeting.
The proposed 254-room hotel will be built to compliment the already existing and very successful Legoland theme park in Carlsbad. The project will be constructed right next to the park and will utilize its rarely used RV lot for hotel guest parking.
Carlsbad’s Senior Planner Van Lynch described a serpentine-shaped building that creates a U-shape around the pool. The shape will provide coverage for the pool and help cut energy costs by blocking many of the windows from direct midday sunlight.
The colorful and unique exterior of the hotel has been designed to pay homage to the architecture of Southern California. The interior of the hotel will draw inspiration from various aspects of the park and be an “immersive Legoland experience,” Legoland General Manager Peter Ronchetti said.
The hotel is intended for families with children aged 2 to 12. Various hotel room options will allow for easy accommodation for families of different sizes. Rooms can comfortably hold four to eight guests, with bunk beds and rollaways available in addition to beds.
“All the rooms are meant to keep families together,” Ronchetti said.
Basic rooms at the hotel will have Legos printed on the carpet and wallpaper with instructions detailing how to create different Legos structures. The premium “adventure” rooms will draw on elements directly from the park. Pirate Shores is one of the main attractions at Legoland and hotel guests will be able to continue their adventure in a pirate-themed room. Similar rooms will feature a castle and safari themes that are prominent in the park.
“This is obviously going to be a very unique hotel,” Councilman Mark Packard said. “I think it will be a fun experience for families.”
The proposed hotel meets all of the noise and environmental requirements involved with new construction in the coastal zone. However, even though the plans for the hotel were approved by council, developers will hold off on construction until the market starts to turn around.
“We want to see solid signs of recovery first,” Ronchetti said.
When construction begins, Ronchetti estimates that it will take 18 months for the hotel to be completed in two separate phases. Once it officially opens, the Legoland Hotel will be a place for “families playing, learning and enjoying time together,” Ronchetti said.