The Coast News Group
CommunityCommunityRancho Santa Fe

Fast track continues for fiber-internet project

RANCHO SANTA FE — Rancho Santa Fe Association board President Fred Wasserman told Covenant members at the monthly board meeting on Feb. 2, that bringing high-speed internet service to the Ranch remained a top priority and was not a passive activity.

“I know everybody’s anxious,” he said, adding how people in the community were calling the Association for updates. “It’s going to happen. We just have to get it done right.”

Wasserman described it as a comprehensive process in terms of interviews and meetings with individuals such as potential vendors. Wasserman went on to say it was about being sensitive in terms of vetting the people who want to do business in the Covenant.

Following RSF Association board member Rick Sapp’s Technology Committee update, fellow director Mike Licosati commended Sapp on doing a fantastic job. Both Licosati and Sapp are co-chairs of the Technology Committee.

“He (Sapp) really dived in and got to know all the details of this (fiber-internet project),” Licosati said. “Previously we were working with a consultant. So removing that intermediary has given us I think some additional clarity interface directly with the providers so I’m optimistic that this process will be a two-way successful outcome.”

According to the RSF Association board, vendor meetings were still ongoing.

The project has been noted to be on the fast track with hopes of both direction and a potential vendor being narrowed down this spring.