RANCHO SANTA FE — The idea of having a farmers market in Rancho Santa Fe is moving forward, despite the objections of a few residents who don’t like the idea of inviting outsiders into the Village.
At the Association’s Dec. 6 meeting, organizer Janet Christ told the board that just about every business affected by the weekly event has given the go-ahead.
“The owner of the pharmacy is for it too,” said Association Director Eamon Callahan, who has been the liaison between the merchants and board.
The idea of having a farmers market came up about 10 months ago because some of the proponents of the market worried the downtown area is turning into a financial and banking center, pushing out retail establishments. They had hoped the farmers market might give people the opportunity to get to know Rancho Santa Fe.
Christ said before the market can move forward, the county needed the go-ahead from the Association.
The Association tabled the issue until sufficient time was allowed for input from residents.
The most likely location for the market would be closing El Tordo between Avenida de Acacias and La Granada during the farmers market. It would take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturdays.
In other Association news, Ivan Holler, assistant manger, reported that he is expecting the final environmental impact report concerning the proposed roundabouts at three local intersections any day. Then there will be time for the residents to see and comment on the report until the end of February.
The traffic circles are planned for the intersections of Del Dios and El Camino Del Norte; Paseo Delicias and El Montevideo-La Valle Plateada; and Paseo Delicias and Via de la Valle.
“The roundabouts are designed to function together as a system by requiring vehicles to slow, but not stop, as they move through the intersection,” Holler said.
It is hoped the traffic circles can slow down traffic and discourage cut-through traffic in the Covenant.
A list of names were drawn to make up the nominating committee to fill three seats on the Association board. Roxana Foxx, Anne Feighner and Eamon Callahan’s seats are up for grabs.
“I should note that Roxana, Anne and Eamon are all eligible to run for another three-year term,” said Pete Smith, Association manager.
Those eligible for the committee whose names were drawn were Tim Sullivan, Susan Bromley Bien, Tom Lang, Steve Heidel, Deb Plummer, John Eggemeyer, Bill Strong, Marie Addario and Ken Bein.
The current president and vice president of the Association automatically serve on the committee.
The Association will not meet on Dec. 20 in observance of the holiday season. It will next meet on first Thursday in January.