I have watched the debate over Proposition A intensify across our five-unique Encinitas communities.
People rightfully care a great deal about how this initiative would affect their own neighborhood and the future of Encinitas as a whole.
Many of my friends and neighbors have asked me why I strongly oppose Proposition A. There are many specific reasons to oppose this proposition, but there’s one fact that summarizes my opposition — Proposition A isn’t good for the future of Encinitas.
There are those who have come forward to offer their opinions to the press — but do they have a stake in our city?
Recently, a former councilmember and retired County supervisor who doesn’t live in Encinitas voiced her support for Proposition A. While I appreciate her prior service, she has no personal stake in the outcome of Proposition A.
She hasn’t been an Encinitas resident for nearly 20-years and clearly does not have a full understanding of how Proposition A would negatively affect our community.
In addition, the primary financing behind Proposition A is from a Carlsbad based group with undisclosed backers. Encinitas citizens do not appreciate this outside meddling in our local affairs and it’s the main reason we incorporated as our own city 26-years ago — to determine our own fate and to protect Encinitas.
Instead of standing with an out of town group and a former County Supervisor who lives in Del Mar, I chose to stand with a broad coalition of Encinitas community leaders, Encinitas organizations and Encinitas residents who oppose Proposition A. Many of these leaders are former mayors and councilmembers who live in our city, know our community and believe that Proposition A is bad for Encinitas.
Many Encinitas organizations have also taken a stand against Proposition A because it will override our community-based plans that took many years, endless public input, and millions of taxpayer dollars to forge.
These groups work very hard to protect their neighborhoods, and they fear that Proposition A will strip the ability to plan for their own neighborhoods. I trust them to have the best interest of our city and their own neighborhood as their reason for opposing Proposition A.
I also join my four colleagues on the City Council who are unanimously opposed to Proposition A.
We don’t always see eye-to-eye on issues facing our city, but Proposition A is a clear case where we stand together. Our diverse viewpoints concluded that Proposition A will not serve Encinitas well.
Those of us who have a deep and lasting connection with Encinitas all want to see a better future for our city.
We want to control the destiny of our unique neighborhoods and ensure Encinitas doesn’t lose its charm.
A lot of people have made their voices heard when it comes to Proposition A — but it’s those with the greatest stake in our community who have uniformly come out in opposition.
Please help protect the future of Encinitas and June 18, Vote No on Proposition A.
Kristin Gaspar is an Encinitas Councilmember.
Pam Slater-Price has done so much for our City, both when she lived here, for many years, formerly on our block, and during her tenure as our elected representative on the Board of Supervisors,. She had the County buy back the Manchester Property which the City negligently bought for soccer fields, where they couldn’t be built, in a protected watershed area. She allocated funds for the Cardiff Library, a gem, where our present mayor was involved with Friends of the Library, before she entered politics.
Kristin, your reasons for bad-mouthing Pam and for opposing Prop A are vague and non-specific, based on partisan politics and a failure to understand the true needs and desires of our community. We all want a better future! Council’s position on Prop A shows that you don’t understand the true simplicity of our General Plan, which Prop A, the initiative supports.
You don’t trust the community’s ability to make wise choices, to determine what our values are, for ourselves, and our neighborhoods. Kristin, Council isn’t trusting its own judgment, but seems to need to be spoon-fed by overpaid, under-qualified staff, and outside contractors/consultants who are too often actually lobbyists and influence peddlers, in thin disguise.
I’m voting YES on A because past Councils and THIS Council have attempted to override the public’s ability to participate and to decide for ourselves if we want to exceed the General Plan’s simple restrictions of 30 ft and two stories, supported by the initiative, as specified in Policy 7.10. Past Councils OVERRULED public input to keep those restrictions, and through the Planning Department, the Planning Commission, and a supermajority of Councilmembers, increased the height limit to 33 ft and 3 stories, in the North 101 Specific Plan, for example, and similarly increased, by upzoning, in the Encinitas Downtown SP, discounting thousands of hours of public input that you wax on about, hours given in hopes of bettering our community through Specific Plan Action Review Committees and Community Advisory Boards.
No, we, the people, DIDN’T want to increase height limits; we did want to allow two story, mixed-use, with basements, so that Artists could have their studios above their galleries, and artisans could live above their shops. That is how “mixed use” was “sold” to the CABs!
We’re voting YES on A to take back local control, the same reason we who served on the North Coast Coalition to Incorporate Encinitas, and all those who helped our incorporation efforts, including Pam-Slater-Price, voted, before you were “politically aware,” so that we could become a City on 10/1/86. We are taking back Encinitas from special interests, including those redevelopment organizations highly subsidized by taxpayer money.
We support our businesses, the businesses associations should support adjacent residents! Put the freedom to decide back in the hands of the people who live here, the voters. The campaign of misinformation being pushed by redevelopment interests is shameful.
We just got our absentee ballots in the mail and will be voting YES on A, later today. All those who understand all the forces at play, who care about preserving our quality of life and community character, protecting our neighborhood self-determination, and individual right’s to choose know:
“There are many specific reasons to oppose this proposition, but there’s one fact that summarizes my opposition — Proposition A isn’t good for the future of Encinitas.” Could she be any more vague? What she means, but won’t say, is that it isn’t good for her developer-buddy backers.
The only so-called “fact” she tried to call out (“you won’t be able to model your kitchen”) had to be corrected as untrue by city staff. Pathetic.
If Encinitas residents know what’s best for Encinitas, shouldn’t they be allowed to vote on major zoning changes?
Let them vote. YES ON PROP A!
Gaspar, don’t you have any shame? How do you sleep at night?
You said: “In addition, the primary financing behind Proposition A is from a Carlsbad based group with undisclosed backers. Encinitas citizens do not appreciate this outside meddling in our local affairs and it’s the main reason we incorporated as our own city 26-years ago”
Let me give you an update on who is financing the No and Yes on Prop A:
Presenting the NO side:
*Gary Levitt Real Estate Development/Sea Breeze: $1,500
*Dealy Family LLC : $2,500(Ecke member)
*Douglas Harwood- Rancho Santa Fe: (Developer/broker,
member of ERAC pushing for higher densities): $2,500.
*Encinitas Town Center/Ecke: $17,500
Encinitas Town Center is owned by the Zelman Development
in Los Angeles.
According to the Zelman Development information they have
“…specific expertise in developing properties
requiring extensive rezoning or new entitlement.”
*California West Communities LLC (Carlsbad) $1,500
“over 60 years of collective home building experience”
*Shea Homes LP: $5,000
*Western Pacific Homes: $1,000
*Boxfield LLC $2,500 (Terramar, owns many commercial areas
along El Camino real)
*Byron White ($2,500) – San Diego
*North County Taxpayers for Responsible Government $2,500 (This is the group that supported Stocks and Muir for the last election and sent out the “We Love Encinitas” mailer during the last election. They donated $2,500
*National Association of Realtor Fund: $8,250 (They are from Chicago)
Any doubt still who is behind the NO on Prop A?
Yes, you are correct, Encinitas does not appreciate these special interests and out-of-town developers meddling with our own affairs.
In contrast the Yes on Prop A represents many small donations from concerned residents. The $4,000 donated by North County Advocates from Carlsbad, actually has a lot of residents that are from Encinitas. This group is dedicated to protect our precious natural habitats and fight against development that do no enhance community character and quality of life in North County.
Prop A is a David and Goliath story with the Prop A folks being your average folks, while the No are the realtors, brokers, developers, and large property owners.
Choose your camp wisely!
VOTES YES ON PROP A and yes, Ms Gaspar you will be able to remodel your Kitchen after Prop A passes.
In her 2010 campaign for City Council, 66.4 percent of Kristen Gaspar’s funding came from outside Encinitas. It’s disingenuous for her to claim that “outside meddling” produced and supports Prop A. Her claims fit with the organized opposition to Prop A: It’s deceitful. They can’t win with facts, so they lie.
Kristin, Your a lier to the people
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