The Coast News Group

Book Cellar open during library facelift

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Book Cellar at the Rancho Santa Fe library is pleased to announce that it will remain open during the major painting and renovation project at the library scheduled for Dec. 14.
The anticipated renovations to the library are welcome and will include moving and restocking shelves with thousands of books and related items. The work is scheduled between Dec. 14 and Feb. 2. During this time, a bookmobile will be on hand.
The Book Cellar, following its successful sale in May, offers a wide selection of books in all categories, and will soon have a special section of gifts and Christmas-related items.
The annual library Christmas Tree raffle, featuring numerous decorated trees, will be held Dec. 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. The Ranch School carol singers will provide holiday atmosphere and the community is invited.