The Coast News Group
scholarship winners
From left, Assistance League of North Coast member Lois Martyns congratulates Oceanside High School graduating scholarship winners Ariele Campos, Andrea Ortiz Lopez and Jazmin Ruiz.

Assistance League delivers $2,500 scholarships

NORTH COUNTY — The Assistance League of North Coast celebrated the recipients of the $60,000 in scholarships the non-profit group awarded in 2022.  Each of 22 North County high school seniors received awards of $2,500. One additional recipient received a $5,000 dollar award to assist with her goal of becoming a teacher.

Scholarship winners included:

Funding for these 23 scholarships came from revenue generated by the ALNC Thrift Shop, at 1816F Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, along with grants and donations from local businesses.