CommunityCommunityDel MarCouncil hears update on law enforcement optionsBianca KaplanekApril 25, 2016 April 25, 20160350 As Del Mar officials seek to find the right mix of law enforcement to meet the city’s needs, they will first need to determine what...
CommunityCommunityDel MarNewsResidents share ideas for Shores developmentBianca KaplanekMay 5, 2015July 22, 2015 May 5, 2015July 22, 20150393 DEL MAR — Shared use between people and pets, passive areas where children can play and benches to sit on and enjoy the ocean view...
CommunityCommunityDel MarNewsCouncil OKs city hall poll, appoints five to design committeeBianca KaplanekJanuary 22, 2015July 22, 2015 January 22, 2015July 22, 20150293 DEL MAR — Most Del Mar residents will soon have a chance to weigh in on what should be included in the new city hall...
CommunityCommunityCommunityDel MarNewsRancho Santa FeCity hall options now back to threeBianca KaplanekDecember 18, 2014July 22, 2015 December 18, 2014July 22, 20150326 DEL MAR — Council members have again changed the number of city hall options that will be presented to residents, but they also approved two...
CommunityCommunityDel MarNewsDel Mar City hall options narrowed to twoBianca KaplanekDecember 4, 2014July 22, 2015 December 4, 2014July 22, 20150312 DEL MAR — Council members are hoping the 23rd time was the charm that will create the final options for a new city hall complex...
FeaturedCity Hall options are down to threeBianca KaplanekOctober 29, 2014 October 29, 20140273 DEL MAR — Options for what should be included in a project to replace the deteriorating City Hall were narrowed down to three during an...