CarlsbadDel MarEncinitasEscondidoNewsOceansideRancho Santa FeSan MarcosSolana BeachSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsVistaTorrey Pines wins first Open Division titleAaron BurginFebruary 28, 2019February 28, 2019 February 28, 2019February 28, 20190842 There were no demons to be exorcised, or bridesmaids to become brides, Torrey Pines Head Coach John Olive said about winning the 2019 CIF Open...
CarlsbadCarlsbad FeaturedCitiesCommunityCommunityNewsRegionSportsSportsSan Diego falls short in BSN ShowcaseAaron BurginDecember 20, 2018December 20, 2018 December 20, 2018December 20, 20180793 In what was billed as a battle between some of the giants of San Diego and Southern California basketball, it was So-Cal that asserted its...
CarlsbadCitiesCommunityCommunityCommunityCommunityCommunityCommunityCommunityCommunityCommunityDel MarEncinitasEscondidoNewsOceansideRancho Santa FeRegionSan MarcosSolana BeachSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsSportsVistaFalcons continue to soar: A North County Basketball PreviewAaron BurginNovember 15, 2018November 16, 2018 November 15, 2018November 16, 201801486 The Coast News annual North County basketball preview....
CitiesCommunityCommunityEncinitasEncinitas FeaturedFeaturedNewsRegionSportsIdentical twins take divergent paths during summer basketballAaron BurginAugust 17, 2018 August 17, 201803143 Torrey Pines High School seniors Bryce and Michael Pope are almost impossible to tell apart on the basketball court, which can be a gift and...