Coming into the screening of “The Man from U.N.C.L.E,” I didn’t know what to expect. Unlike “Mission Impossible,” I never saw the original TV series...
Buoyed by powerful performances from Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones, the biographical romance “The Theory of Everything” is a wonderful celebration of theoretical physicist Stephen...
“Interstellar” exudes magnificence through its visuals, cinematography, sound, and cast, but even those qualities aren’t enough to reach the stars that it longed to see...
Through the captivating presence of its two leads (real-life and on-screen mom and son) Maggie Baird and Finneas O’Connell, as well as the sincerity of...
It’s unlikely to become the next great young-adult blockbuster, but “The Maze Runner” is by all means a capable action-adventure thriller that manages to come...
“The Drop,” with its gritty surroundings and able cast (including James Gandolfini in his final onscreen appearance), proves itself an intriguing crime drama…for select audiences....