ArtsCitiesCommunityEscondidoEscondido FeaturedNewsCruisin’ Grand returns for 24th yearSamantha NelsonMay 6, 2024May 8, 2024 May 6, 2024May 8, 20240713 ESCONDIDO — Every Friday for the next five months, Grand Avenue will host the largest weekly car cruise west of the Mississippi River. Cruisin’ Grand...
VistaHOT CARS READY TO RUMBLEstaffJuly 25, 2019July 26, 2019 July 25, 2019July 26, 20190631 Classic cars like this 1951 Chevy will be on hand as the Vista Rod Run returns Aug. 4 to Vista Main Street from 9 a.m....
CommunityOceansideOceanside FeaturedOceanside makes Hotrod Nights a summer eventPromise YeeJune 2, 2016June 3, 2016 June 2, 2016June 3, 20161342 The popular hotrod night that was first held in February will be a regular......