SAN MARCOS — Could voters in the San Marcos Unified School District pass a new multi-hundred-million-dollar bond measure initiative in 2024? There’s a good possibility,...
VISTA — The city of Vista is considering issuing tax-exempt bonds as a strategy to increase its restricted middle-income housing stock in the coming years....
REGION — SANDAG, a regional transportation agency and clearinghouse for big federal transportation dollars, is laying the groundwork through February to issue up to $275...
VISTA — An audit of Vista Unified School District’s first year of modernization expenditures — the beginning of a massive bond-funded 15-year capital improvement program...
REGION — SANDAG, serving as the San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission, has refinanced a portion of its 2012 Series A bonds and 2014 Series...
ENCINITAS — Crews are busy installing rooftop solar panels at Paul Ecke Central Elementary, the third in a series of installations that will ultimately cut...
OCEANSIDE — City Council approved the refinancing of 2005 Civic Center bonds June 24 with a promise from Councilwoman Esther Sanchez the money would be...
SAN MARCOS — Homeowners in several San Marcos neighborhoods are going to see savings on their future property tax bills, as the City Council unanimously...