DEL MAR — The 35th San Diego Festival of the Arts will take place at the San Diego Surf Club Soccer Park, formerly the Del Mar polo fields, on Saturday and Sunday, September 11 and 12.
The 21-and-older outdoor event offers a stunning variety from 150 world-renowned artists featuring painting, sculpture, photography, glass, jewelry, ceramics, wood, fiber, and mixed media.
All ticket proceeds, silent auction, wine and beer garden sales will benefit adults and children with disabilities. Active Military, with ID, are admitted free at the entrance. The North San Diego event location is ideally situated with easy freeway access and with plenty of available parking.
Beyond artists, the festival will feature entertainment both days, food vendors, a refreshing wine and beer garden. The full entertainment schedule is posted on

Visual Artists
“This is our 35th year and the loyalty from our artists is remarkable,” said Don Ludwig, co-chair of the festival. “There are 10 artists who have shown their work with us for more than twenty years.”
The artists include Dorothee Naumberg, Sherry Salito Forsen, Suzanne Spalding, David and Carolyn Levy, Sadegh Aref, Justin Coopersmith, Robert Fleming, Karen McGaw and David Falossi.
Falossi, a native San Diegan, started in theater production but became a sculptor.
“Carving stone is the most difficult of all the artistic mediums,” said Falossi. “As it requires the sculptor to commit to a long and difficult process before yielding a great reward.”
When working with glass, he says “it represents the human spirit, life and the miraculous.”
This year’s artists range from the expressive Tijuana artist Antonio Proa who starts his creative process with a spontaneous color palette beginning with only magenta, yellow and blue, then uses free exercise to reinvent a new chromatic range; to classic but contemporary handbag designer Janet Chico whose approach offers functionality and fun; to art photographer Georganna Dean whose compelling photography won best of show in photography in 2016.

Musical Artists
While the visual artists are capturing your attention, half the fun is to take a break to listen to the talented line-up of entertainers. For a complete entertainment line-up, visit
Saturday line-up
Front Gate:
10:30 a.m. – 12noon — Tom Griesgraber on the Chapman Stick
12:30 – 2 p.m. — Caprice Strings
Ocean Stage: Saturday
10:30 – 11:45 a.m. — Nina Francis
12 – 1 p.m. — Ben Owens
1:15 – 2:30 p.m. — Peter Sprague and Leonard Patton
2:45 – 4 p.m. — Rheanna Downey
4:15 – 5:45 p.m. — Hau’oli Strummers
Main Stage: Saturday
10:40 – 11:50 a.m. — Dave Scott and Monsoon
12:15 – 1:30 p.m. — U.S. Navy Band: Destroyers
2 – 4 p.m.—The Birdwatchers
4:20 – 5:50 p.m.— Jasmine Commerce
Sunday line-up
Front Gate:
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tom Griesgraber on the Chapman Stick
12:30 – 2 p.m. — Caprice Strings
Ocean Stage: 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Fred Benedetti and Family
12 – 1:20 p.m. — Fred Benedetti
1:40 – 3 p.m.— Nina Francis
3:15 – 4:45 p.m. — Hau’oli Strummers
Main Stage: 10:40 -12 p.m. — Jasmine Commerce
12:20 – 2:10 pm — Rheanna Downey Band
2:30 – 4:45 pm — Bayou Brothers

WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, September 11-12, 2021
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
WHERE: San Diego Surf Soccer Park (formerly Del Mar polo fields)
14989 Via de la Valle, Del Mar, CA 92014
INFO: Tickets single and group:
One-day tickets: Purchased up to Friday, Sept. 10: $12 per person. Sept. 11 and 12: $15 per person online and at the door. Valid either day.
Two-day tickets: Purchased up to Friday, Sept. 10: $16 per person. Sept. 11: $19 per person online and at the door.
Groups One-day and Two-day tickets: Save $2 per ticket when you buy 10 or more
Ticket Assistance: 1-800-316-8559
MORE: The San Diego Festival of the Arts Foundation, Inc., through this primary fundraiser, has raised more than $2.5 million for this cause since 1987.
As part of the festival, guests will enjoy world-class live music and entertainment, a selection of outdoor lawn games, and a variety of cuisine options for every palate, from gourmet wood-fired pizza to BBQ and more.
San Diego Festival of the Arts is produced by the San Diego Festival of the Arts Foundation, Inc., a non-profit 501c (3) organization, in partnership with San Diego Magazine. For more information, visit or follow us on Facebook.