The Coast News Group
Marketplace News

Local gun shop makes big impact

In the last year, firearm sales have grown to staggering numbers. Ruger, one of the largest firearm manufacturers in the United States, took over 1 million orders during the first three months of this year. This means that even with great advancements in manufacturing, the citizens of our great nation are buying guns faster than we can produce them.Everyone, at one point in their lives, has thought about owning a firearm. The decision to actually go out and purchase one is where most people have drawn the line. Not anymore! Firearms are becoming more popular than ever with the help of television shows like “Doomsday Preppers” and “American Guns.” Whether you have now made the choice to purchase your first firearm, or you have been collecting them for years, Direct Action Solutions in Solana Beach is the place to go. DAS opened their doors in 2010 and has seen sales rise at a staggering pace. They entered the community of Solana Beach, knowing that they could fill a void that our beach communities have been lacking for some time.With all this in mind, you might wonder who is buying all these guns, and where are they buying them from. Well, the who is easy, “Everyone is buying guns these days,” says Shawn Stahl who manages Direct Action Solutions “our clientele has grown immensely over the past few months. We see new customers that range from single moms to military personnel every day.” More and more women are coming into Direct Action Solutions to learn about firearms and make a purchase for self-defense and target shooting. Women in fact are the fastest growing segment of the firearms community. The stigma of who owns a firearm is quickly going by the wayside.

Direct Action Solutions also offers what most gun shops do not. They have taken the traditional gun shop atmosphere and re-invented it. Their staff is young, enthusiastic, and has a very deep knowledge of their industry. You are welcomed with a smile and feel at ease right away, but most of all there is comfort in knowing that you are dealing with quality products and an experienced staff.

The new challenge for gun buyers is to find a local shop that has what they are looking for in stock. With gun buying numbers growing and growing, there are less products available for gun shops to stock. Shawn knows what his customers want and strives to keep the popular firearms in stock.

Direct Action Solutions is a local gun shop that caters to everyone. When you walk in to the shop you will notice a large selection of shotguns and rifles as well as handguns that range from $400 to $4,000. D.A.S is also a great place to find accessories such as ammunition, knives, survival equipment, and the latest tactical gear. D.A.S also offers a wide range of training activities for new gun owners or those looking for advanced tactics. You can always count on finding a large selection and a wealth of knowledge.

Direct Action Solutions takes the time to help educate the public in how the gun laws in California may affect their purchase of a firearm. While they cannot give legal advice, they do guide their customers through the requirements for legal gun ownership in California.

Their staff can also advise customers on experienced firearm trainers for an education in firearm safety and responsible gun ownership as well as broadening one’s skills at every level.

Direct Action Solutions is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

They welcome new customers and are willing to answer any questions a new or experienced buyer may have.

If you want more information you can visit their website at, or give them a call at (858) 436-7088.