The Coast News Group
CommunityRancho Santa Fe


The Cubs, Rancho Santa Fe Little League Champions for Majors 2009, include, first row, from left, Chase Cameron, Jackie Plashkes, Sterling Conner, Griffin Rydin and Grayson Lyman; second row, Asher Booth, Jake Herrick, Sandy Plashkes, Charlie Richard, Robert Crowley and Connor Mead and back row, Manager Bill Herrick and Coach Dan Plashkes.
For the first time in Rancho Santa Fe Little League history, a team from the Ranch is being represented in the Tournament of Champions. The Cubs won their first tournament game against the Escondido American League Angels, 6 to 0 and won again June 13 against The Encinitas American League Athletics, 1 to 0. Semifinals were scheduled for June 18, with the championship game June 19. Courtesy photo