The Coast News Group

Letters to the Editor

Impact of development on seniorsWe seniors who live in Costa Serena are already forced to do our shopping at the Albertsons/Kohls shopping center late at night in order to avoid the heavy traffic.


With the addition of 656 low income apartment-type homes multiplied by 1,200 or more cars, we will be shopping at midnight, and when we need an ambulance, we better hope Vista, San Marcos or Camp Pendleton is available, because Oceanside has to run on the wrong side of the street at times to get through now.

Oceanside City Council, Feller, Kern and Felien, what or whom were you thinking about??? Certainly not the residents of the senior communities in this area.

Nancy Porter,



CLB June 19, 2013 at 4:32 pm

Development is in Carlsbad and was approved by Carlsbad Planning Commission and city council, NOT Oceanside city council. Oceanside sent a letter to Carlsbad about it’s concerns with traffic, fire, emergency response, etc.

L. Walshaw April 18, 2013 at 6:23 pm

What were Kern, Feller & Felien “thinking about?” Same as always: builders, developers and the Building Industry Association (whose lobbyist WROTE Oceanside’s City Charter that gives 3 men on a City Council the power to OVERRULE the will of VOTERS and the choices made in a public election). Their reason is SO transparent that it would be laughable if it didn’t negatively impact so many Oceanside residents (including the seniors in surrounding communities and endanger the historic site of the Marron Adobe): If they over-build the panhandle and leave only one way in and out dumping traffic, not into Carlsbad, but into one Oceanside intersection, developers will use the traffic congestion as an EXCUSE to build the Rancho Del Oro interchange, which local RESIDENTS DON’T WANT! These 3 Councilmen listen to their big campaign contributors, NOT to their Oceanside constituents. VOTE them OUT in 2014!

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