The Coast News Group

Jewish matching-fund philanthropy offered

COAST CITIES — The Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego, in partnership with the Leichtag Foundation, has launched the North County Coastal MATCH program aimed at building and promoting Jewish life in this region.The MATCH program will benefit established and budding programs, including educational, social, cultural and synagogue activities as well as Jewish day school education, camping and human services.

North County Coastal residents living north of Via de la Valle and west of Interstate15, including Rancho Santa Fe, open a new, donor-advised fund at the Jewish Community Foundation by Dec. 31, 2013 will qualify for the program. Through this opportunity, the donor’s first grant to a North County Coastal Jewish program will be matched by a grant from the foundation. Matching grants will be up to 10 percent of the new fund’s initial balance with a $1,000 maximum.

New donors will join the foundation’s network of nearly 700 donor-advised funds. A donor-advised fund can be used by individuals and families to support their favorite organizations and causes as well as access high-quality education and service from the foundation in all aspects of their philanthropy. Donors can connect with their peers who share their interests, priorities and passions in order to leverage the impact of their giving. Jewish Community Foundation donor-advised fund granting exceeded $98 million last fiscal year to areas such as health, social services for the most vulnerable, arts and education.

For more information about donor advised funds and the MATCH program, contact Darren Schwartz, Philanthropy Officer, at [email protected] or (858) 279-2740.