ESCONDIDO – San Diego Humane Society’s Humane Law Enforcement issued citations to pet stores in Escondido and Santee on Saturday for illegally selling puppies that were sourced from puppy mills.
Broadway Puppies in Escondido and Pups & Pets in Santee were both cited for violations of failing to partner with a rescue that has a valid cooperative agreement with at least one public or private shelter, as cited in Health and Safety Code, section 122354.5 of AB 485, which is California’s ban on the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits.
Broadway Puppies received eight violations, while Pups & Pets was cited for seven violations, plus an additional citation for a violation of signage requirements.
The stores were also issued a Notice of Complaint for selling puppies that were unaltered.
Both Broadway Puppies and Pups & Pets were ordered to suspend all sales of pets until they start sourcing animals from a California shelter or rescue group with a valid cooperative agreement.
“Under the current law, we unfortunately don’t have the ability to shut the stores down,” Ganley said. “However, we’ll continue to cite them for every single dog that they sell without a valid cooperative agreement because they’re in violation of the law, and it’s our duty to take action.”
In the meantime, Humane Law Enforcement Chief Bill Ganley told The Coast News that, based on their history, it appears that both stores will continue to sell puppies illegally.
“If the fines are $500 but you’re selling these dogs for anywhere between $3,000 and $6,000, it’s really not a disincentive to make the sale. I’m sure they’re looking at it as the cost of doing business,” Ganley said.
Humane Law Enforcement is currently backing a new proposed law, AB 2152, in an effort to close these loopholes. One of the provisions of the proposed law would be to limit the sale price of these animals to $500, effectively stopping puppy mills from even sending animals to California because they wouldn’t make any money.
The owner of both of these pet stores, and several more around the country, is David Salinas, who is being sued for violating California law by Attorney Bryan Pease who is representing Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS), an animal rights group.
In March, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported on the lawsuit, which claims that Salinas’ pet shops violate California’s ban on puppy mills by getting dogs from a Missouri-based breeder that “fraudulently holds itself out as a ‘rescue’ organization to launder puppies from puppy mills to pets stores including… Broadway Puppies, Pups & Pets, and other stores owned by Salinas.”
CAPS told The Coast News that there are several lawsuits that are still ongoing, and more planned.
I wish they would too.
Well I wish they would get the other store in the North Couny fair mall. That sells puppies.
What I hate about LIBERALS, they always have that “love everybody nonsense” until their hose is robbed than it’S “damn N***ers”. I grew up in the MOST lived area of the mid-west, Hyde Park Chicago, It’s where OBOZO came from. I have seen BOTH King riots, The Wayne Williams riots in Atlanta where they blamed the Klan only to find out a BLACK MAN was killing all those children, so when LIBERALS bark, I usually ignore them due to ignorance. Now living in the mid-west from the early 1960’s to present gives me a better outlook on reality than the average “brain dead” Californian. I know thinks like “white flight”, “ghetto”, “urban blight”, “property values” and “overall crime”, and if you want to live in this kind of area, knock yourself out. Just this week, Rancho Santa Fe is protesting an apartment complex being built in (Israel) their community. The “newbies” are out in force. They don’t want “trash” in their community, neither do I. Ever been to the East Side of Escondido? Back decades ago, it was the place to live, today it’s just another crime infested, crime ridden, drug addicted barrio, who is responsible for this? Councilwoman Olga Diaz. So for all you bleeding heart liberals out there, vote for “senile” Biden, watch your cushy lifestyle end. Remember what the media fails to tell you regarding the Minnesota incident, HE TRIED TO PASS A FUNNY TWENTY, what else have WE not been told, meanwhile our cities burn and looters get NEW flat screens, gold chains and basketball shoes. Liberals make the worst racists and that has not changed sincc the 1960’s. Vote for me and I’ll set you free. It’s not about color, it’s about stupid. Chance stupid, not the police. Libbies, watch COPS or get a police scanner, learn reality.
Reality (FOLKS) spelling correction for all you liberals who refuse to debate facts, just spelling errors.
No I’m retired. But….. I remember a neighbor in Fallbrook who’s child suffered from cancer (dead now) She loved her calico 14 year old cat. One day it vanished. She was devistated. Months later, a deputy out of the Fallbrook substation who was a friend showed me pictures of a MEXICAN dog fighting operation they recently busted. I this picture, it showed the remains of this child’s DEAD CAT. NEVER told the family, so call me a RACIST but YOU need to face reality, these folks are worthless. But I don’t really care, you folks support them, not I.
Well someone sounds upset…did Mexican’s take your job too?
How about citing all the Mexican’s who have COCK FIGHTS and other ANIMAL abuses. Mexican’s bring a whole new meaning to “food fight” when these cock fight ranches are exposed. Want to live in Mexico Mexican, don’t bring your “peonic culture” here, just stay home.
Cock fighting is done in many countries you ignorant racist! @raycarney
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