The Coast News Group
The City of Encinitas announced this week the temporary closure of the city's Community and Senior Center due to COVID-19.
The City of Encinitas announced this week the temporary closure of the city's Community and Senior Center due to COVID-19. Photo courtesy of the City of Encinitas
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Encinitas temporarily closes senior center due to COVID-19

ENCINITAS — As COVID-19 cases continue to rise across the county, the City of Encinitas has decided to close at least one public building and cancel other public events, according to a recent statement.

This week, the city announced it would be closing the Encinitas Community and Senior Center and suspend all but one of the programs hosted at the public building.

“The Senior Nutrition program will continue with options for meal pick up at the Senior Center or home delivery,” the city wrote.

The city said it hopes to be able to reopen the building on Jan. 24 and it will keep residents updated closer to that date.

In addition, the Encinitas Library will see a number of its upcoming concerts canceled through Jan. 24 as well in an effort to curb spread of the omicron variant of COVID-19. Refunds for the “Moon by the Sea” concert scheduled for Jan. 21 will be automatically issued, according to the city. However, the library itself will not be closed.

Julie Taber, the city’s public information officer, told The Coast News the city made the decision to close the Community and Senior Center due to the number of seniors and children who tend to use the building and services within.

As of Jan. 1, the city’s Safe Parking program is now hosted at the Community and Senior Center but Taber also confirmed the program will not be affected by the building’s closure.

City Hall and other public buildings will remain open and the state mandate for masking will continue to be enforced. Next week’s regular City Council meeting will be held in the council chambers.