RANCHO SANTA FE — A new committee is about to be born to the Rancho Santa Fe Association. Directors Anne Feighner and Ann Boone have joined forces to begin the establishment of the Reforestation and Water Committee.
The two told the rest of the board at its Jan. 5 meeting that this new committee will focus on water conservation and education about how to do it.
It will also concentrate on keeping the forest around the Covenant healthy and will teach residents what kind of landscaping is not only beautiful, but is also drought-tolerant.
It will reach the community through a future video, newspapers and the Association’s website.
In other Association news, Covenant Administrator Ivan Holler reported that an ongoing parking survey has attracted some attention.
“People know you are there,” Association President Jack Queen said of the people stationed around the Village watching the turnover of parking places.
“We have had a few folks asking us what we are looking at,” Holler said.
Parking in the Village is a constant issue, many people staying away because of the lack of parking, real or perceived.
Next on the agenda was a discussion about the progress of completing the Osuna Ranch lot split.
One of the final conditions to be met is the Sight Distance Certification for the driveway leading to the single-family residence on the property.
Holler said some of the pepper trees near the driveway will have to be removed to comply with county requirements.
“I’m just wondering why it has not been done already,” asked Director Dick Doughty, as it had been mentioned at previous board meetings.
Peter Smith, covenant manager, explained that before the trees are removed they want to make sure that everyone knows it’s going to happen.
“We want to make sure the membership is clear about why these trees are being removed,” he said. “It’s more about notifying our membership there will be an impact.”
The Osuna Ranch was purchased several years ago with Open Space Funds for just under $12 million. Its purpose will be an equestrian facility and historical center for the community.
The plan is to develop it in phases, the first being bringing it up to county code requirements, the lot split and selling a single-family dwelling on the ranch. The next phase will include restoring the adobe on the premises.
The resealing of roadways in the Covenant is on track, although some of them will require some structural repair, Holler said.
“Work will begin on them in late February,” he said. “Resealing is still on track for the spring months.”
The streets set for resurfacing are Lago Lindo, Via Fortuna, Los Morros, Rambla De Las Flores, Las Planideras and Mimulus.
The Association meets at 9 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays in the board room of its offices at 17022 Avenida de Acacias in Rancho Santa Fe.
To learn more, call (858) 756-1174.