OCEANSIDE — As one of the final steps in getting all its ducks in a row to open this August, the Bagby Beer Company received approval from the Planning Commission to install a 6-foot fence around its parking lot on Aug. 11.
The fence needed commission approval because it exceeds the 42-inch height limit and encroaches the street setback area.
City staff said the fence fit within the local coastal program and city general plan, and the brewery would be a significant improvement to the site.
Commissioners unanimously approved the fence, and shared kudos and well wishes on opening the brewery and pub.
Shrubbery will be planted around parking lot and brewery fences that vary in height from 4 feet to 8 feet.
A security camera is already in place and another camera may be added to the parking lot that is located on the adjacent block.
There will also be a security guard on duty to monitor customers’ cars entering and leaving the lot.
“We have a live security guard and camera to cover all bases,” Jeff Bagby, Bagby Beer Company owner, said.
The parking lot will be locked when the business closes and signs will be posted explaining parking policies.
Approval of the fence and some final permits are the last steps before the 8,500-square-foot brewery opens Aug. 22.
Jeff Bagby has been working in the microbrew industry for 15 years.
Bagby Beer Company is the first brewery he and his wife Dande Bagby have opened.
Dande Bagby said they chose to open their business in Oceanside because the site allows them to fit in all the components of their business.
“There’s outdoor seating, a kitchen and it’s three blocks from the beach — that’s not too bad,” Dande Bagby said.
The couple will brew and sell beer on site. Guest beers, wine, spirits and food will also be sold.
The expansive brewery seats 350 people inside and outside on ocean view decks.
The Bagbys have an 11-year lease on the property, followed by the option of four- to five-year lease extensions. Jeff Bagby said they plan on operating the brewery for 31 years.
Bagby Beer Company is located at 601 S. Coast Highway 101.