SAN MARCOS — On Saturday Jan. 21, 2,000 participants are expected to walk in the North County San Diego Women’s Sister March.
Event organizer Nina Deerfield said the goal is to bring North County residents together for a day of hope and peace.
“We thought we needed it here,” Deerfield said.
The planned march will start at San Marcos Civic Center and proceed a mile and a half to Palomar College.
During the march a high school drumline will play.
Walkers leading the march will hold a large wire sculpture of a woman.
A rally will take place at Palomar College with invited speakers, live entertainment, artists and food trucks.
“There are so many wonderful volunteers,” Deerfield said. “It’s amazing the outpouring of music, dance, poetry and speakers. We’ve never had anything like this here.”
Speaker topics include healthcare, education, environment, immigration and appreciation of diversity. The shared message of speakers is peace, justice and equity for all.
Deerfield said the event will be nonpartisan, and no elected officials will be speaking.
Additionally, 50 nonprofit groups will have information booths and volunteer sign ups, which will allow participants to find a calling and stay involved.
The day aims to be energizing and filled with compassion and love.
“People can meet each other and go away with a lot of paperwork and handouts,” Deerfield said.
The one-time event coincides with fellow Women’s March events taking place across the U.S. There are 370 large group marches and more than 694,000 smaller sister marches planned.
All marches are grassroots efforts organized and led by women. Collectively more than a million people, both female and male, are expected to participate.
Cities with the largest number of registered marchers include Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Chicago, Boston, Denver, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York, Seattle and Portland.
The shared goal is to bring people together to support the core values of freedom and democracy.
The North County San Diego Women’s Sister March takes place Jan. 21, 11 a.m. at 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos.
A rally follows at 1 p.m. at Palomar College, 1140 West Mission Rd. Parking is free at the college.