The Coast News Group

Thanks to Friends of San Pasqual Academy

COAST CITIES — The past season for the Friends of San Pasqual Academy continued to bring a very special dimension to the lives of the foster children who are students at San Pasqual Academy.It began with Shop ‘Til You Drop – Back To School Day, then “Teens, Jeans and Dreams” team penning event, the “Celebration of Friends” evening at John and Gina Daley’s home, Sports Banquets for the football and volleyball players; birthday parties, refurbishing cottages, the annual Holiday Party and New Year’s Eve party, and more.

Members are currently planning the “Tee It Up For Foster Teens” golf tournament to be held April 22 at The Santaluz Club. Dave Scherer will be chairperson again this year, joined a group of volunteers already hard at work on the tournament and dinner. If you would like to join the committee, be a sponsor or golf in this tournament, e-mail Joan at [email protected].

Karen Ventura is once again, in charge of the evening’s auction. If you would like to donate an auction item, contact Karen at [email protected]. “Tee It Up For Foster Teens” invitations will go out as soon as they are available. Start putting your foursomes together today.

Upcoming activities of Friends of San Pasqual Academy include Valentine’s Day bags, Easter goodies, Prom, Grad Night and Brunch, more birthday parties, sports banquets for the basketball teams, track, baseball and softball teams, athletic uniforms, music, art and agricultural programs, college scholarships, computers for the graduates and the graduation ceremony.