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ColumnsIntentional Living

Taking stock of the things you love

When you think of what you love or what you are attracted to, what are these things, people or qualities?

You probably have a level of awareness of your likes and dislikes. There are basic laws of attraction such as like attracts like, nature abhors a vacuum and the present is always perfect. You may have practiced these mindsets in the past, or you sought advice and were told to manifest the positive.

These are great exercises to do, but often I find my clients discussing their fears of success and their worries. If you struggle to believe you can do the things you set out to do, all the positive manifestations in the world won’t matter.

Not only do you have to work on your core beliefs, but you also have to work on a positive mindset. These are the two initial steps to take before you can really manifest.

You may find yourself frustrated if you continue to attract something that is fear-based in your work or relationships. Maybe your job continues to be subpar or you continue to use the nice card instead of asserting what it is you really want.

If this is your current situation, I honestly believe that you don’t feel you deserve the success, you don’t think you can actually do it or it’s just too scary. As you take an assessment of the things you love this February, look for the following things. 

  1. Am I doing what I love daily?
  2. If I’m not, why not?
  3. Is there something holding me back?
  4. What do I really believe about myself?
  5. What do I say to myself? 

Once you can answer the above questions, you can begin to restructure your thoughts and speak positive words to yourself regularly. You can remove the critical, lack-of-belief voice and substitute it for another voice.

Then, your deep-seated pain lies in what you think is true about yourself. Often, this fear holds us back. If you can let yourself be scared but go for it anyway, you will begin to focus on harnessing the laws of attraction such as like attracting like.

Now you are ready for positive manifestation. Good luck! 

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