CitiesCommunityCommunityNewsRegionSan MarcosPublic questions traffic and noise impact of San Marcos Creek projectStephanie StangNovember 7, 2019 November 7, 201912062 SAN MARCOS — The city of San Marcos is looking to hear from you before officially “digging in” with the San Marcos Creek project. Construction...
CommunitySan MarcosSan Marcos gets go-ahead for 2 bridgesAaron BurginSeptember 20, 2018 September 20, 20181749 San Marcos recently received a key go-ahead from a federal agency to begin work on a project to build two vehicular bridges over two flood-prone...
CommunityCommunityNewsSan MarcosBusy roads to get busier in San Marcos this monthAaron BurginJanuary 13, 2015May 4, 2015 January 13, 2015May 4, 20150383 SAN MARCOS — San Marcos residents should expect a busy stretch of roads in the San Marcos Creek area to be even busier during the...