ArtsArtsArtsArtsArtsArtsArtsArtsArtsArtsArts & EntertainmentCarlsbadCitiesDel MarEncinitasEscondidoNewsOceansideRancho Santa FeRegionSan DiegoSan MarcosSolana BeachVistaCounty bar association holds student Law Week poster, video contestKaila MellosApril 20, 2023 April 20, 20230256 REGION — In celebration of Law Week, the San Diego County Bar Association is giving students around the county a chance to honor the rule...
NewsPolitics & GovernmentRegionCounty Bar Assoc. denounces Newsom’s criticism of local federal judgeCoast News wire servicesJuly 1, 2021 July 1, 20210473 REGION — The San Diego County Bar Association issued a statement today denouncing Gov. Gavin Newsom’s public criticism of a San Diego federal judge who...