Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsFields for Encinitas elections are setAaron BurginAugust 14, 2014August 21, 2014 August 14, 2014August 21, 20140279 ENCINITAS — The fields for the Nov. 4 Encinitas City Council and Mayor election are set, as five people will vie for the city’s first...
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsCandidates finalized for November electionsEllen WrightAugust 14, 2014 August 14, 20140419 ESCONDIDO — The candidates for the November elections have been finalized. Three candidates will be running for mayor, current Mayor Sam Abed, Deputy Mayor Olga...
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsMayor Stocks looks to make fourth run for city councilWehtahnah TuckerAugust 31, 2012July 21, 2015 August 31, 2012July 21, 20155 342 ENCINITAS — Jerome Stocks, the current Mayor hopes to occupy his seat on the dais for a fourth straight term on the City Council. ...
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast News7 to vie for 6 seats in Del Mar, Solana BeachBianca KaplanekAugust 15, 2012July 21, 2015 August 15, 2012July 21, 20150269 COAST CITIES — Six City Council seats in the county’s two smallest cities are up for grabs this fall, but only two incumbents are seeking...