CommunityCommunityEncinitasEncinitas taps Del Mar for assistant city managerAaron BurginOctober 6, 2016 October 6, 20160665 Encinitas recently announced the hiring of Del Mar’s assistant city manager for the same position in Encinitas....
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsRancho Santa FeAdding parking meters could yield new revenuesBianca KaplanekApril 25, 2014July 22, 2015 April 25, 2014July 22, 20150378 DEL MAR — The city could take in about $435,000 more each year by putting meters on 177 spaces in the downtown area that currently...
Old - DO NOT USE - The Coast NewsCity responds to law enforcement recommendationsBianca KaplanekJanuary 24, 2014July 22, 2015 January 24, 2014July 22, 20150332 DEL MAR — It’s been about two months since City Council received a report evaluating its law enforcement services. Since then, city officials have been...